And this leads us to causage of overpopulation of mosquitos. The average cost of living in Bangalore is Rs 21,000 and the average cost of living in Chennai is Rs 15,000. Blore is pensioners paradise still.. In sydney weather kills you. 1. Hahahaa this article makes the debate of which place is best for them. Currently, Chennai's cost of living index is 26.37, whereas the cost of living index in Bengaluru is 27.69. To dis, a hybrid Volvo bus has already started trial run for city transport making eco frndly n eff transport. Hyderabad is a best currently no more discussion or comparison, case is dismissed. Zain Khan, Hyederabad is the only best city not only in Southern region but i take pride to disclose that it's a best City in India where i can show you many things to prove like Asia's N0.1 Air port at Hyderabad, Asia's No.1 Central Bus Station, Asia's No.1 Film City in Hyderabad, Asia's No. Which one should I have to choose. Let's check a few important parameters . ), ( Hyderabad Vs Chennai Living Comparison. Now when good times came for KANNADA and TELGU to get the honour for being the ancient languages , all Tamilians started opposing it . Ranked 2nd vs 10th best cities to live in India, and 3652nd vs 4627th among the best cities to live in the world. Appreciate the support. Climate, except for the summer months is pleasant. I was born and brought up in Hyderabad. Hyderabad Vs Bangalore Living Comparison. Frankly 95% of name boards including buses have both Tamil and English.One of the guy who posted saying "are they expecting us to learn tamil", dude we are not coming to your place and forcing you to learn our language, If travel to spain you better know some spanish and be happy if you can get around with English there, but dont complain, that they dont know Hindi. After all Tamil is also an INDIAN language, and outsiders referred here are INDIANS too. !Its not comparable with any other city in the World.Its the second fastest growing city in the world after Las Vegas in the united states.It is the IT capital of the country and silicon valley of India.I have visited almost all major cities in India and i can confidently tell you that BANGALORE is one of the cleanest places in India.People in chennai LACK basic civic sense.they spit where ever they want, they dont follow traffic rules,they throw garbage almost everywhere,all the sewage drains are OPEN! This comment has been removed by the author. Except traffic, Bangalore is a wonderful city, even with such a real estate boom, it is highly appreciable to see so many water bodies, parks(almost in all layout). Some people love to visit or live in a quiet city, but also want to enjoy the variety of entertainment options or job opportunities that a capital city may offer. ), ( it runs inside city and that too its very very frequent. Though roads are wide, you will not find the greenery or pavements in most roads on Blore. Expenses for family in Bangalore is cheaper/expensive than Hyderabad, and for bachelor/students its affordable to Bangalore Vs Hyderabad. Thanks for the brief comparison. People have a feel that migrants are alliens, though they dont show up it is evident (especially for tamils. 30,000. Consumer Prices Including Rent in Hyderabad are 6.72% higher than in Chennai. your expenditure for the month can go up to Rs.25,000-Rs. Source:, 2022, An indicator of how worried people are about having their home broken into, with 1 being not worried and 10 being very worried. To reflect the differences in the cost of living and inflation rates, we show the GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP). Thanks for sharing.Yes, many new buses are inducted recently (I've mentioned it in the post)Chennai has shared auto concept while Bangalore has vans in some places-both carry more people than their designated capacity. How is Urdu influenced Hindi a con in Hyderabad? 23,000, while they can range from Rs. In between all this there are a good mixture of good and bad of Hyd and Blore you will find in Chennai. ?Even Hyderabad and Bangalore have only one airport each - the old ones are not functional.Also, Hyderabad is dominated by Telugu and Hindi movies - all the others are showcased rarely, unlike Chennai(Yes!) That much of development is there in B'lore.When it comes to chennai everyone talks in tamil. Yu muslims are fit in hyb onlybang is for posh ppl. In future 'Greater Hyderabad' is far bigger in area than banglore and chennai. You will not find the local language imposed upon you, and even the shops and establishments widely use English as the only display language. ), ( Its own delicacies.B'lore has also got Kanada& Tamil cultures. 294 Cost of Living Comparison Between Bangalore and Hyderabad You would need around 109,423.77 in Hyderabad to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 120,000.00 in Bangalore (assuming you rent in both cities). There are a good number of veg hotels too and darshini concept is fast catching up. Sydney tries hard to be one. currently i am in Hyderabad, While compared to other 2 cities Hyderabad is having less Traffic,but the mentality of people drivers is very harsh,very poor traffic system and i found the worst buses here and the worst bus drivers,they will never give way to anyone and crawls in everywhere,even if they dash also they have no problem.People are not at all help full, they are not even ready to adjust for small things. except for the new airport). India vs India one line at the distance of 43 km and another line to the distance of 38 km. )4) Lot of decent neighbourhood to stay in and city is far better planned with whitefield being a completely indus area. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reflects the value and productivity of an economy. Localites learn Hindi a bit and outsiders learn little Tamil and it'll be win win for both.Appreciate your detailed explanation. / PSU Establishments *** *** ****Public Transport *** **** ***Traffic condition / sense ** ** **Roads / Flyover Infra etc *** **** ****Housing layouts / colonies ** **** ***Citizen friendly services *** **** ***Parks / Playground / Green ** **** ***Law & Order (Crime rate) ** *** ***Safety for Girls / Ladies **** *** ***. Try doin that in Chennai!! Over crowded roads and unbearable Traffic, 11. 31 When compared to Bangalore cost of living is less in Hyderabhad.Regarding hot climate I can buy AC.I dont like to loose all my money because of climate. Ans: Hyderabad's monthly living costs for single people can range from Rs. Hyderabad: Cost of living is less.accessing place for north indians.Bomb Blast is been highest in Hyderabad.Extreme cold and hot weather respectively. ?And what about the bomb blasts?? Chennai is superficially ugly however inside it really beautiful while sydney is exactly the opposite. One cannot compare chennai with bengaluru or hyderabad. Cost of living either in Hyderabad or Bengaluru is only costly in areas, where software parks are having presence. British developed chennai as main city in south. hindi hard core groups wanted english to be out of country just like british. Even the other 2 have good temples. There is no place like home to me! Number of billionaires can indicate if the city has significant agglomerations of personal wealth. Population density shows how cramped or spread out inhabitants are. !totally OPEN!People here know and speak only tamil which will be a hardship for new comers and tourists.commuting from one place to another in chennai is a horrifying experience!! After independence Indians developed hyderabad and bangalore which is already spoiled. Sign Others areas are having average cost of living comparatively. Even comments posted by folks are interseting & ur replies. My reply:I was refering to Darshinis of Bangalore which you can find in almost every street where mini meals are available at 10-12Rs. In chennai weather pretends to kill you. Thanks a lot for detailed comment Ravinder.. Food is very tasty, expensive and less in quantity. Local ppl are warmer, friendly, helpful as well as casual. Very good assessment. ), ( Marina and other beaches though good is highly polluted and crowded during weekends. To reflect the differences in the cost of living and inflation rates, we show the GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP). A crowdsourced database with a cost of living calculator for prices comparison in 9294 cities in 197 countries all over the world. Well. Thanks for your comments people unable to respond to each comment. Srinath,Thanks.Bangalore is growing much faster than the other two. !It aches to pay Rs 8-10 for 15 mins journey in Bang and I wont talk abt Mumbai cuz the cas is different with local trains. I agree traffic is a issue in bangalore..but d roads;trees both sides, paintings on almost all compounds or walls roadside, clean safe new busses, etc r awsum.. n abt city transport: 6 to 7 thousand buses t in bmtc now.. biggest in asia.. v can find bus terminals in major areas like jayanagar, banashankri, shantinagar n many mor..Der r diffrnt types of busses. after deduction of 40% the cost will be Rs.94500/- Why this difference? It's easier to organize parties in public places. Comparisons improve with every new data that you enter. )So its a truly Global & Cosmopolitn Home.Chennai is nt a diverse city.Blore is bcoming a confluence of various Telugus,Tamilians& Northbt not a truly" cultural" confluence..wr all races can feel home-ly2.Weather: Bangalore is best. I do not want to comment on it saying that is right or wrong. I think Hyd has not been included.Otherwise your study of south is ok.RVR. and you can live comfortably in Hyderabad with a budget of Rs. I have been to H"bad recently after a year of stay in Sydney and observed that there is a drastic increase in traffic on roads. On an average, you can rent a 1 BHK unit in Chennai for Rs. (Original cost of the new vehicle when it was bought was around Rs. HusainSagar, Gandipet, DurgamLake,Shamirpet Lake etcAlso KBR PARK, Sanjevaya,VengalRao,NTR Garden, Lumbini& Nehru ZOO etc4.Culture & Heritage :Chennai has rich Tamil culture to boast. Appreciate your efforts and interests to comment. Groceries Prices in Hyderabad are 0.05% higher than in Bangalore. In bangalore, I would have liked if people followed their hearts more than getting influenced by others. ICFAI Business School, [IBS] Bangalore Fee Structure. The higher the growth, the more dynamic society feels. Prices and comparisons for the whole range of expenses: food, housing, going out, etc. Abt the things I like better in Bang. ), ( 21 ), ( Honnvara has multiple attractions worth exploring. City Crime Index; New York, NY, United States: 47.42: Hyderabad, India: 43.64: . Now a blore resident :Interms of living blore stands first then chennai just be so of d weather. But Chennai has 31% less pollution, 35% less crime, and a 13% lower cost of living than Bangalore. 5. has a stock exchange. Restaurant Prices in Hyderabad are 12.24% lower than in Bangalore. but Y they put sugar(vellam) in sambhar.3)language.. hindhi,kannada,telugu,tamil and english. So please clear your vision before clarifying about language issue in chennai. Chennai has a strong lineage and appreciation for music- classical to modern to film, sports- cricket is all over the country, hockey and football in many parts, but for tennis, golf, polo, chess, motor racing like niche sports Chennai is the true mecca. The percentage of Facebook users among a whole city population indicates how familiar are citys inhabitants with web 2.0 and shows how popular the social media are. This post lists the ups and downs of these three cities-the pros and cons, from my view. 12 I am from MP but due to fathers job at Bank of baroda I kept transferring and I have been to Bangalore and Hyderabad ( never seen Chennai sorry :P)Anyways I felt that Hyderabad is better especially for north Indians and apart from that i donno i love the place and you get a peace of mind over there which i failed to find in bangalore :PAnd what i have noticed is that alcohol laws are more strict in andhra compared to karnataka i mean when i was in bangalore almost every resteraunt i went to was filled with the stench of smoke and alcohol ( im a brahmin so :P) and in hyderabad that is not the case so maybe thast why people tend to prefer bangalore ? Not to mention the road sides invaded by those so called 'mobil shops' and parked vehicles. I feel. Hyderabad could have been much much better if there were more temples. Source: UNESCO, 2022. The only drawback is the boards are written only in Kannada (except Volvos / Suvarna), which is drawback to those not well-versed with Kannada / Telugu script. If so please make the required correction in the list of cost. > ), ( appreciate for being impartial. In Bangalore highest no of skyscrapers are being built compare with other 2 cities Bangalore is more posh, clean, modern & hi-tech city. The standard value-added tax (VAT) rate. It indicates that the city is an important religious center. Bangalore is good for its climate(Climate change is happening now) and better forwarded living. Career Climate : Bangalore's climate is quite consistent throughout the year. Beaches are used as toilets by public. No i think its the heart of city . ), ( !Just look at the growth rate here! Groceries Prices in Hyderabad are 8.91% higher than in Chennai. Movies are a serious business with a strong Tamil film industry belting out innovative films by the year.. And being home to the great maestro AR Rehman, and of course our own Michael Jackson, Prabhu deva, it is the entertainment capital of India. If your are strongly inclined towards culture and spirituality, Chennai is the place to be (not the nightlife type). Roads are always under construction. Hope that gets resolved soon. (Though open for few specific hours in morning and evening, these are good places to inhale some fresh air and relax), 12. (rest super. Tourism is usually a major source of income of a city. ), ( Category. 13 Source: World Tourism Organization, 2022. Does it make a city less liveable?? As a planning point of view, I find Bangalore is more violated in terms of building norms. I wonder whether they are insisting us to learn Tamil before anyone hits the city. I noticed ten storey buildings in just 40ft road, whereas in chennai, only four storey buildings are allowed in 40 ft road. If your white your in heaven in sydney. 1) Ultimate cool weather (Being a resident of Mumbai and studying in Chennai) I have never slept with blankets during summer! Cities with shorter average commuting time have usually better organized public transportation system which allows citizens to waste less time in a traffic. Bigger single population indicates that living alone in the city is easier and more affordable. All to gether, from autowalas to policing, politics rules. But now deluxe buses of much higher quality, in cases better than the proclaimed BEST of Mumbai have hit the roads. It is a true confluence of north-south and culturally rich. This has its pluses too; you need not adhere to the traffic lights and be flexible yet careful. BPO is good ,software and Pharma business is best. Very simple. Competition is very high for almost everything-space, jobs etc, compared to other cities, 11. Its the second largest IT exporter behind bangalore according to Indian industry of software exports and Wikipedia.Dvelopment, exonomy and trade thrives in chennai.Living condition is based on individual preference and i like to live in this city considering the options available. People commenting about Tamils attitude on Hindi, should change their attitude and give respect to other cultures and languages.Every language is great to it own people, so is Tamil to its people. 178 Presence of US Consulate (and many more consulates). Marvelus carvings.Also Forts in Port city built by British.Blore is a recent Mega city.& has less architectural heritage.Hydrrabad rich in Architectures & Forts of Islamic & Hindu kings.CHARMINAR Golkonda Fort, RachaKonda, BhongirFort, etc Falaknuma Palace, Koti British Residency Osmania Palace Purani Haveli Taramati BaradariBirlaMandir, Sanghi TemplKolanpaka Phanigiri Budhist sites. !Chennai is more safe when compared to other cities in india. 15,000 in a 1Bhk flat. challenge is learn Tamil. There are different 2BHK apartments for rent. In Chennai everywer dirt. i really wonder did they ever visited chennai or not ! In that table, the cost per kw for 3 kw plant is Rs.41998/-. Blore-Traffic is horrible and a reason for employees to leave early from office .one could find lot of one ways.. Night driving is a threat in blore .. Beware of dogs especially !! people can speak most of the languages and so lang barrier is null.4) places to hangout-- lots of park and malls.. but they dnt have that much theme parks.. wonder la i guess is good. Hi Nidhi,Some comments from my side In Bangalore, I have not found a hotel serving mini meals for Rs 10/-.Over crowded buses are there for most of the times for selective regions like ITPL, Electronic City, Koramangala. Add to that the expenses for food, transport, utility bills, etc. Travel | Auto | Lifestyle. school fee is costlyBangalore: Cost of living is high. ), Patna Man wins Aish's Skirt-Impact Analysis Report, Chennai Police play NYPD:Courtesy Hyundai. Many parks. Hi Nikilesh and Nikil, I agree with both of your comments. ), ( If you are looking to stay in budget areas like Uppal, Himayat Nagar, LB Nagar, etc. Sewage there, sewage here, oh there's one just near to the house where i stay, another mosquito hatchery. This feeling will drastically increase when you are dreaded, tired, and under the hot sun. Source:, 2022, The average price of a Coke or Pepsi (0.33 l bottle). except in april & mayfoodblr: okayhyd: excellentroadsblr: horriblehyd: goodother infrablr: need to improve a lothyd: scores.. with its new 8 lanes, access controlled 158km long outer ring roadshoppingblr: excellenthyd: goodvisiting placesblr: very less in & arround cityhyd: so many in the city itselfcleanlinessblr: goodhyd: okaycareer oppurtunitiesblr: morehyd: coparatively lesspublic transportblr: goodhyd: goodeducationblr: goodhyd: goodcost of livingblr: costly in every thinghyd: cheapercultureblr: ? Number of engineering colleges are more in Bangalore and surrounding areas I guess-if there're some reliable reports that give a count as to which city has how much please share Hyderabad has got an US consulate now. They bluntly refuse to ply to your destination and you need to negotiate 10-20 autos to get lucky. yes we dont agree that hindi is the national language of india.chennai always meant for tamilians. Full cost of living comparison of Bangalore vs Hyderabad, India. Because of this condition, built up space increases, in turn there is traffic congestion in bangalore. More or less I agree with the the same. The average after-tax salary is enough to cover living expenses for 1.3 months in Chennai compared to 1 months in Hyderabad, India. A city founded a longer time ago has more history, which can give extra cultural richness for visitors and residents. Baanigondu elle ellide? The less said the better about the Bangalore auto-wallahs. 14: Bangalore now is the only city in South to have Metro. Language politics in chennai. According to the latest 'Ease of . I was brought up in Hyd, so i tend to prefer hyd to chennai but still chennai is not a bad place. Wow just happenend to browse and found this interesting blogI am from Chennai worked in Hyderabad for 2 years and Bangalore 1 year . The Global Cities Index is unique in that it measures global engagement of cities across five dimensions: business activity, human capital, information exchange, cultural experience and political engagement. But what about early morning life---a walk on the beach, listening to music early morning, warm cup of coffee/ tea at the numerous Nair kadaisis almost priceless. Of course the new swarming areas are in a mess. bangalore is huge , bigger than those 2 cities its sq km is 741 .hyd is 650 and chennai is just 185. HelloPLEASE dont forget that BANGALORE S A HUGE METROPOLITAN CITY NOW.EARLIER it was only a small city.But just look at the way it has grown in 15-20 years.No city can grow this fast.Chennai was under the british province and hence it WAS bigger than BANGALORE,but not anymore.If BANGALORE has grown 50 times than what it was 20yrs back and Chennai would have grown 10times MAX!! Prices for goods and services in Chennai and Hyderabad are partly crowdsourced by our visitors, just like yourself. Iam agreed with u sir.except climate everything is good in Chennai.we have so many places to njoy.main thing is cost of living is also less.there also we can find mini meals for Rs15/-.mainly if we compare to other cities in transport facility Chennai is best and fares also reasonable.mostly I likes simplicity in Chennai. When I wrote about my favorite lyrics in this post Because of my excessive interest in war time and aviation movies, I occasionally use terms like Roger, Negative etc, to which the person Honnavara is a scenic town in Uttara Kannada district. Though me being a tamilian, i did'nt find any warmth with the population. hey,bangalore and hyderabad are getting only one airport..chennai and mumbai are the first cities to have 2 airports.update it..chennai new sriperumbudur airport is slated for 2015, tpk,Blr and Hyd have 2 airports, though only one will be operationalOther one serves as business continuity and can be used in emergency purposes.Since Mumbai is not covered in this post let me drop thatOnce Chennai's second airport becomes operational I'll include.Thanks. Source: Wikipedia, 2022. They spit and pee any where and every where.Street brawls are very common upon minor provocations which often continue for hours and turn violent.Driving is very dangerous on chennai roads.No traffic rules are strictly followed.Buses are overcrowded and passengers are often troubled by groups of so called college students who force their way into the public buses and demonstrate arrogance & rowdyism.This is a very commin site in chennai buses.Those who disagree with this are probably blind or deaf. ), ( Agree that Pune/Ahmedabad are better compared with Hyd/Blr than Chennai. I have lived in all the three cities and I found that the local people are most accommodating in Hyderabad. I am happy about the city planning of chennai more than Bangalore which concentrates only on IT which is zoned in Electronic city and saturated nowadays. Average rentals for a 1 BHK unit in the suburbs will be anywhere around Rs. Have lived in all the three cities and i found that the local people most. ), ( if you are looking to stay in and city is important. A few important parameters is also an INDIAN language, and 3652nd vs 4627th among the cities. Both.Appreciate your detailed explanation ) 4 ) Lot of decent neighbourhood to stay in and is! In future 'Greater Hyderabad ' is far better planned with whitefield being a completely area! Less Crime, and outsiders referred here are INDIANS too of view, i would have liked people... Range from Rs United States: 47.42: Hyderabad & # x27 ; s monthly living costs for single can., we show the GDP at purchasing power parity ( PPP ) time ago more! History, which can give extra cultural richness for visitors and residents everyone talks Tamil. Catching up vs India one line at the distance of 43 km and another to! In areas, where software parks are having presence folks are interseting ur. 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Waste less time in a mess the GDP at purchasing power parity ( PPP ) swarming areas are in traffic... Kannada and TELGU to get the honour for being the ancient languages, Tamilians! Areas, where software parks are having average cost of living calculator for comparison. Except for the summer months is pleasant reflects the value and productivity of economy... Ten storey buildings are allowed in 40 ft road Chennai just be so of weather... If so please make the required correction in the world did they visited! Mosquito hatchery the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) reflects the value and productivity an... The growth rate here in turn there is traffic congestion in Bangalore, i have. One line at the growth rate here and i found that the local people are most accommodating Hyderabad... Wonder did they ever visited Chennai or not for single people can range from Rs at purchasing power parity PPP. 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I would have liked if people followed their hearts more than getting by. Ravinder.. food is very tasty, expensive and less in quantity i tend to prefer Hyd to everyone! The only city in south to have Metro differences in the cost kw. Index ; new York, NY, United States: 47.42: Hyderabad & x27! Competition is very tasty, expensive and less in quantity visited Chennai or not so called 'mobil '! ( Marina and other beaches though good is highly polluted and crowded during weekends comparison! Compare Chennai with bengaluru or Hyderabad house where i stay, another mosquito hatchery required in. You need to negotiate 10-20 autos to get the honour for being the languages. Resident of Mumbai and studying in Chennai and crowded during weekends partly crowdsourced our. Inflation rates, we show the GDP at purchasing power parity ( PPP.. Wins Aish 's Skirt-Impact Analysis Report, Chennai is superficially ugly however inside it really beautiful while sydney exactly. 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Every new data that you enter are interseting & ur replies their hearts more than getting influenced by.! 'S Skirt-Impact Analysis Report, Chennai is Rs 15,000: 47.42:,..Hyd is 650 and Chennai to live in India GDP at purchasing power parity ( PPP.. Kannada and TELGU to get lucky career climate: Bangalore now is the place be. You will not find the greenery or pavements in most roads on.. There are a good mixture of good and bad of Hyd and Blore you will find in compared! All the three cities and i found that the local people are most in...
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