I've been back at university 2 weeks now and it's got me feeling really down. is this how you felt before you went? All Rights Reserved. Before you went to university, everyone told you about how amazing it would be. Realistically I just want to spend a weekend back home to feel normal again, but Im worried I wont come back and I havent given the university enough time to see what it might be like in a few weeks time. What makes things worse is my degree and a lot of others are made to do 1 major subject and 2 minors Im never with the same people and when I do make friends I dont see them again so Im struggling to find people I get along with and make friends so I end up spending most of my time alone in my room. Later, Frankie enrolled in the accounting course at the University of Santo Tomas, while Rudy took the Business management course at the University of East. Not enjoying University, what are my options? - Quora I followed a friend here thinking it was a great idea. It's quite comforting to know that there are others in the same position out there! xx, I really hope you're doing okay! I feel like if i drop out, I'm failing myself and failing on such a simple task. x. Hi Lizzie, I think the most important thing is to think of your other options. Things you really enjoyed that future generations won't get to experience? Varsity is the independent newspaper for the University of Cambridge, established in its . It's not that I'm not enjoying university its just that I feel as though I want to pursue my passion for modelling. AsContent Editor for TopUniversities.com and TopMBA.com, Chloe createsand publishesa wide range of articles for universities and business schools across the world. I started uni last year and was so excited about starting a new chapter and moving away from home but it was nothing like I anticipated. Is not enjoying uni actually that unheard of? : r/UniUK - reddit Thank you very much! Thank God its over!! Up until this point I had never really felt lonely/depressed as I have a great group of friends from home who Im still in contact with, plus my family had helped but being at uni seemed to bring out the worst in me and being alone just made all the problems even worse because I felt like I couldnt talk to anyone. Some of DS options were relatively small, whilst DD was on a pre-term placement with a really good group. Anyone else in similar situation? I hate being in social situations with people in my course because I just get ignored. I hope you look forward to the next part of your life haha I'm working a pretty shitty standard job and not loving life, and paying back my student loan at 5 a month!! Chloe has a Bachelors degree in Economics from the University of Reading and grew up in Leicestershire, UK. Were you happier? Retaking two failed modules - Will it affect my accommodation and finance? H! In the 1:2 weighting ratio, your second-year marks account for one third of your final grade, while your third-year marks contribute two thirds. I managed to pull things together by removing certain people in my life who were causing most the problems, and regaining my self awareness and who i was. This was okay, but as I wasn't living with other students I never saw anyone or went out. Is it better going to UNI with a friend or just by yourself?? <3 x, It must have been really hard from experiencing pretty much 'adult' life, to going to living with people away from home for the first time and going crazy! I did manage to start a conversation as I was sitting next to this girl for a few hours but again I didnt even get her name and it didn't progress from there. Thank you for writing this I'm having similar issues at uni and it's great to know I'm not the only one who feels like this. If anything, it will likely help you out in the long run. Sure, things got better, but now that I am finishing up I am realizing I am leaving college with 2, maybe 3 friends. Not sure what I should do as I really don't wanna disappoint anyone. He quit during his second year. I should have reset things, changed course and gone to a better hall of residence and started again. Awkwardly, I basically broke down on one of my managers when I was doing a late shift. I hate university; I hate what it did to me. I kind of understand as if I had flatmates I really got on with I would be the same but I miss him a lot. Leaving after 1st year was the best decision I made as it just was not for me. Its amazing the impact this can have and you might find that before long you have much more energy and feel much happier. Not enjoying university course (2nd year) - The Student Room They will be dissapointed (my family and real friends). Why I didn't enjoy university Posted on March 15, 2017 by Tinashe Nyahasha On the first day of university my fellow freshmen were excited and anxious. There is no meaning in getting completely drunk and high all the time. During the lecture on Monday as I looked around everyone had their own little groups to hang with while I was sitting on the side, though their were a few other people sitting on their own, which (I know is awful) did make me feel better. . You have plenty of time to figure out exactly what you want to do and whats best for you so dont feel the need to rush or to follow the norm! I think this is because she has found more popular friends. One of the most important things to consider I guess is that we have more or less between 1 and 3 lectures per day which is nothing. I think talking to other people who were in my position and getting advice will make my decision easier hopefully! what do you think? Why I didn't enjoy university - Techzim The long and short of it, I did the wrong course, suffered badly from anxiety, made no friends, had a mental breakdown in my final year and was bullied badly. I wasnt getting on with my flat mates, I was struggling to make friends on my course and felt incredibly home sick, and if Im honest I would ring my boyfriend or my family crying almost every day. 843-427-4596. Uni is meant to build confidence and academically it has, but I have never felt more inadequate in social situations. Changing Universities and Courses: Transfer (Deadline Day - Coursefindr Well done for sticking it out xxxxx, This is exactly how I feel, I'm a fresher, just finished my first semester of uni. If you want to chat, you can always tweet me or something ! There may be other modules available that you would find way more enjoyable, and its definitely worth exploring. It broke me as a person but I'm amazed, and proud, that I came out the other side and graduated. I also naively thought that since I came to university with one of my oldest friends (17 years) if I had any problems, Id still have her to hang out with and potentially live with but she refuses to be seen with me at uni because she doesnt want to mix her home and uni friends. My degree literally feels like a means to an end. I think it definitely has it ups and downs. If youre in first year, generally give it at least until Christmas before you consider leaving. Since we're seeing a lot of things people aren't enjoying about FFXIV in the thread where people are supposed to express what they enjoy about the game I thought that I'd create a new thread for this purpose. If there's really nothing you can do to make your work life happier then it's time to be proactive and seek alternative employment. The problem in my case is this persisted throughout adult life afterwards people made their friends and found their partners at that stage, and if youre left out it leaves you very rudderless as the years pass by. What to do eh! You can either transfer onto another course, transfer uni, or quit. 7 Reasons You're Not Enjoying Work (and how to fix them) Then contact your university and tell them you intend to switch courses. Ive just found this post in 2017 and it has helped so much I didnt know there were so many others that struggle with uni like me. I know some nice girls in uni that I sometimes sit with in lectures & stuff but probably will never see them again afterwards! I tried to fix things before it got this bad but it didnt happen because although he claimed he wanted to be friends he refused to talk to me and just pretended i didnt exist and Ive since realised that he knew I liked him and he didnt reciprocate those feelings but would initiate making out every time we were alone together which was taking advantage of me and I dont want people like that in my life. Thank you so much for this post, its helped billions. I strongly recommend joining a sport or something to focus your mind. I am missing home a lot and my course is nothing like i expected it to be, i have come out of some of my lessons crying for no reason. Hey, I'm in exactly the same boat, i have a couple of good friends who I am living with now, but the thing is their the same kind of people like me, as in race, religion and stuff..so it is easy in that way, but i feel like i lack international friends and sorts like that. im close to my family and my mum in particular, im having a hard time realising that in a year i may be leaving all this behind! Then, although I was going to uni locally in Liverpool, I took the attitude of obviously Im not living at home during uni, partaaaayyyy and moved my little self over into halls. I'm quite a shy person anyway, and this left me feeling quite down about having a lack of friends and fun, and I skipped quite a lot of lectures and seminars. Im a HUGELY indecisive person haha, which is not helping! Im just coming to the end of my 2nd year and while I enjoyed first year, I have hated every minute of second year. I have been at uni since September and I don't enjoy it, don't feel close to anyone, don't enjoy my course and am a more-than-inconvenient 6 hours away from home (in good traffic!). How to Enjoy University Life - 7 Top Tips - Graduate Coach I prefer to just have a couple of closer friends rather than a big group! More often than not, its easier to lie and pretend I enjoy it. Many students drop out of their course every year its a lot more normal than you might think. If you want to talk in more detail, email or tweet me and I'll try to help! * Take courses that might help you figur. To cut the ramble, it culminated in me feeling down all the time. I hope things get better for you in time xx, Erin Im so happy you commented back all this time later! I didnt help after i looking at the rank of my university is very low in the uk Im so worried about uni! It sounds easy for somebody else to say but while life always has challenges, the fact youve got through this will make you so much stronger than you can imagine xx. I spent the last two days crying in my room and I realised this morning how much this sucked. I go home quite a bit (it's nearly three hours away) but then I feel so homesick when back at uni. Still to pay off. I do enjoy it but because I've not been in for so long I feel like I no longer have friends on the course and everyone is in groups etc, so I know I'm going to find it hard when I go back to try and get back into lessons and stuff. Going from a full-time wage to student finances has probably been one of the most challenging and depressing things I've ever done. Once you've found the course you want to join you should contact the Admissions team. I have had doubts of if i can even do the work because lately my grades haven't been very good and i have failed some assignments. I too have been struggling with depression for quite a few years now and although a majority of people were supportive of me at home, I was expecting to come to university and almost 'automatically' improve. My boyfriend and family don't understand why I'm so upset as I only have 2 months left but at the moment getting through each day can be a struggle. My boyfriend was ever so patient with me despite everything and now we are happier than we have ever been. Not Enjoying University? Here are 5 Things to Help You Out Plus, you'll be able to look back and realise how much you've managed to achieve, despite your struggle. You are consistently told your time at university will be the best years of your life, where you will meet lifelong friends and learn lots about things that interest you. As of also reading this in 2017, it has helped me a little reading this. Looking back, I didnt quite consider how much of a leap leaving school was: 2010 was probably the happiest year of my life up until September. Your options very much depend on your university. Student Support | Support For Your Studies | Course or University they say that the best years of your life are in uni; but for me the best are in high school and at uni is so full of contrasts: best and worst things happen all together. Im only a week and a half in to my course but I spend almost all of my time alone and a lot of it being upset and crying to my friends and boyfriend on the phone so Im now deciding wether to stick it out and hope it gets better with time or move back home where Ill be happy and have my family and friends. Join Societies If you just don't gel with your flatmates or classmates, you might feel like you'll never make great friends at university. You just need to speak up and there will be someone there for you. My course constantly changes and moves around so finding people to befriend is so hard, one month they'll be in your class and the next they've been moved around yet again. If you do decide to leave or change courses, your university will be able to help you with the next steps. i have a great group of friends too, and they always ask to see me, but I just cant muster up the energy or confidence to step out my door haha. I cant wait to get back home, Im planning on getting a motorbike license and getting a job this year to help me out. They told you about all the great friends youll meet and the fun parties youll go to. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. In my first year I lived in a flat full of people who I had less in common with than anyone I've ever met. However, when it came to the really hard times, I made plans for when I had finished so that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and that works as a brilliant motivator when things are tough. Some of them genuinely think that this will be the best time of their lives and I feel sorry for them. It's common though: one in four students suffer. For anyone reading this now who is questioning wether uni is right for them, I hope this might give you a bit of hope or a better idea of what to do in your situation. Im Laura, a 30 year old travel addict living in Liverpool. I dont feel proud of myself for it, but i hope i can learn from my mistakes in the future. In response to timetokill, I'm doing an English lit/English language degree but my university's useless when it comes to societies because they're mostly sports-related. While this might be the case, it may also be that the modules youre currently taking arent ones that interest you. I reached out to at least 3 of my lectures in the hope of some support and I was either told that I am not working hard enough and not putting enough hours or I was told that because 1sr year went well that I am exaggerating and that how I feel isn't valid. Balancing University Life With Normal Life? I'd really appreciate any thoughts you have. Stop Feeling Guilty The first thing you must do if you do start to feel unhappy at university is to stop beating yourself up over it. I felt so proud on graduation day because it wasn't an easy three years and you will too. I saw university as a hurdle I had to get over to get to the rest of my life. When I first came to uni I made some friends, but as time goes its like they dont care about me anymore. So Im not really sure what to do yet. I tried not to tell anybody unless I had to, or said it was for money reasons. It's very understandable that, after more than a decade of going to school, starting out at uni is a bit of a change. I'm going to try my best to stick it out and hope it gets better but I am wondering if maybe my current uni just isn't right for me and maybe I'd be happier somewhere else, I just came across this post while searching 'not enjoying university life' on google. 1. Looking back, I didn't quite consider how much of a leap leaving school was: 2010 was probably the happiest year of my life up until . But it just means you need to put in some extra effort. Next year, I'm living alone and one of my modules is a placement module so hopefully, I'll be able to feel a bit more optimistic and link my learning to my goals more easily but honestly, I can't wait to graduate. I havent clicked with any of my flat mates because theyre all in to different things than me, I do get along with them but were not close so throughout freshers I only saw them for drinking and even that was a bit uncomfortable! If youre struggling with University all I can say is that this is not the end. Although with all of that being said if you really arent enjoying life at uni then it is more than okay to put yourself first! Im a first year student and its safe to say I haven't enjoyed uni at all so far. Help please :(. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Similarly, when I met another frienda few months ago, it was great to show her that its okay not to settle in straight away and it helped me to come to terms with it myself. Im moving back to uni in 5 days, going into my second year. xx, I'm really glad I came across this post. Thankfully theres alway someone to speak to and i have my best friend to thank for that and i was able to put myself back together. The finger pointed at one individual who oversaw my whole life at university. Rep gems come when your posts are rated by other community members. He's very understanding and was quite honest with me about his own uni experiences. I typically fell into a pattern of partying and drinking in my first year at uni, feeling influenced in this crazy culture and taken advantage of, due to my caring, kind but naive nature. It might seem intimidating to join on your own but so many other people do and youll make friends in no time! It was a really petty argument that we should have been able to fix but we didnt and he has since manipulated everyone else to turn them against me, and then sent me screenshots on facebook of a conversation between him and the rest of my friends saying awful things about me.
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