Careers. Related questions What are the three main groups of Helminths? The diagnosis was made by laboratory testing since the rash was not distinct. The leading cause of death globally for females of all age is: The leading causes of death of children under one year of age globally are? 5, The Germ Theory of Disease, and pg. Key terms from Microbiology Chapter 1 Get the app. Polyenes cause a loss of selective _____ in fungal membranes. Which of the following structures in bacteria protect the cell from lysis (rupture) in hypotonic environments? The region with the highest rate of deaths of children under the age of five is: As country income goes up, generally the percentage of deaths for children under the age of five represented by neonatal deaths: In most low- and middle-income countries, you would expect the rate of infant mortality to: A parasitic or infectious cause that is a leading cause of death for children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa but not very important in other regions is: More than 500 million children of school age are infected with: The extent to which vaccines can protect even unvaccinated people. -Fungi reproduce by forming asexual or sexual spores. What is Staphylococcus aureus and how did it get that name? kgwozdz. Fosfomycin trimethamine is a _____ acid agent against enteric bacteria. Neosporin is an antibiotic ointment composed of which three antibiotics? A client with a perforated gastric ulcer is scheduled for surgery. Tetracyclines may be given to children of which age? Polymyxins interact with which of the following membrane component(s), causing leakage of cellular contents? Synercid binds to ribosomes inhibiting the process of _____. The hypothesis that they living organisms arise from preexisting life. Microbiology; Chapter 4. Which of the following is an agar diffusion test that utilizes gradients of antibiotics on strips? For each of the following statements, Most protozoa have a motile, feeding stage known Treatment is cheaper than diagnosis and usually takes place in areas where worms are fairly common. Global health focuses on individual level clinical care. 10 terms. Identify the active part of the penicillin structure. Who established the system of scientific nomenclature? As country income level rises from middle-income to high-income, what do we expect will happen over time to the prevalence of tobacco smoking? What is the boundary of the middle inferior mediastinum. How does the burden of communicable diseases vary as country income goes up: Some of the pressures leading to the development of resistant strains of bacteria include: Counterfeit drugs, poor prescribing practices, The disease no longer being present in a specific place. A client who has had abdominal surgery complains of feeling as though "something gave way" in the incisional site. Polyenes bind to which of the following parts of fungi? If the bacterium causing a sore throat is Streptococcus pyogenes, a physician can normally prescribe the antibiotic, ____. When taking an equity lens to health, we should consider: Which group generally has the most access to health reasources? Which statement about global health is false? _____ is the azole of choice in treating fungal meningitis because it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Which of the following antifungal drugs is a nucleotide analog? Send the specimen to the testing laboratory on the same day as the collection. These lymphocytes circulate continuously in the blood and the lymph hence they are able to migrate into the body tissue spaces and lymphoid organs, therefore integrating the The nurse has just reassessed the condition of a postoperative client who was admitted 1 hour ago to the surgical unit. and more. ; Parasitic helminths lack a complete digestive system and they absorb nutrients directly through their cuticles. Lymphoid cells (Lymphocytes) The lymphocytes make up 20%40% of the bodys white blood cells and 99% of the cells in the lymph. Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems. Which of the following are among the top three conditions that cause disability? What is the number 1 cause of mitral stenosis. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE? Zidovudine is an analog of which of the following? Antibiotics are made primarily by aerobic spore-forming ____ and _____. About us. Which of the following descriptors does not apply to Trichophyton? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Five digits, Urticaria, Before a patient is tested and more. what are some virulence factors of yersinia pestis? what are superficial mycoses and cutaneous mycoses? The most common complaint associated with oral antimicrobial therapy is ______.which is caused by the disruption of the intestinal microbiota. 1. About Quizlet. The broad-spectrum quinolones inhibit which of the following? inhibiting the formation of microtubules, which prevents the worms from absorbing nutrients. Which antiparasitic agent destroys the scolex and adjoining proglottids of tapeworms? This design was patented by Leonard A. Wilkinson in 1962. (a) Diabetes Insipidus is a type of diabetes, caused by a lack of ADH. Which of the cephalosporins is effective for treating infections by enteric bacteria that produce beta-lactamases? The most effective drugs used to treat infections caused by flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms inhibit ____ at all stages of the life cycle rather than eradicating the adult worms. The use of microbes to produce foods and chemicals is centuries old (example: insulin, cheese, gum, etc). nicolasrackow. True or false: Most cephalosporins are administered orally. Clindamycin is a _____ - spectrum antibiotic derived from ____. Skin rashes and hives after taking an antibiotic could indicate a(n) ____ reaction to the drug. Which of the following is the consequence of exposure of a bacterium to an antibiotic that inhibits cell wall synthesis? ____ sp. Sulfones are used to treat which of the following conditions? Approximately what percent of infections involve biofilms? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term used for groups of microbes that have similar metabolic requirements and therefore live in similar environmental niches? Resistance to sulfonamides and trimethoprim develops when microbes use an alternative pathway for ____ acid synthesis. Which factor is expected to have the greatest impact in the next two decades on the burden of disease? 1857-1914 Beginning with Pasteur's work, discoveries included the relationship between microbes and disease, immunity, and antimicrobial drugs. Resistance to which of the following drugs develops when microbes deviate from the usual pathway that leads to the production of folic acid? 67 terms. The most cost-effective approach to reducing injury and deaths from motorcycles is to: Take a community-based approach to requiring and enforcing the use of helmets when riding a motorcycle. The most common approach to drug production is the ____ method, which combines both natural and synthetic methods. The ending -floxacin is used for which category of drugs? Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. The major principle(s) of the Belmont Commission Report include: Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Some marine algae produce neurotoxins that can be concentrated in shellfish and pose a risk of paralytic shellfish poisoning to humans who consume the shellfish. Which finding by the nurse would be interpreted as a normal finding at the surgical site? kcci radar. There are about 10 11 lymphocytes in the human body. That microorganisms were present in the air. _____ inhibitors have been shown to reduce HIV to undetectable levels by specifically preventing virus particle maturation. Are molds and mushrooms unicellular or multicellular? What else would you need to know aside from the object's position? Which of the following techniques is an agar diffusion test to determine antibiotic susceptibility of a particular bacterial strain? momog_4. Microbes attach to solid surfaces and grow into masses. The client cannot sign the operative consent form because of sedation from opioid analgesics that have been administered. Which type of antimicrobial drugs account for the greatest number of antimicrobial allergies? Protein synthesis inhibiting drugs affect the activity of which of the following? Which of the following is the only communicable disease in the top ten causes of death in high-income countries. How do scientific names differ from other names? Select the statements that correctly describe medically important helminths. Which two conditions are among the top three causes of death globally? A. The hypothesis that living organisms arise from nonliving material; a "vital force" forms life. Also, the genus is capitalized which the species is lower case. Which of the following antibiotics contain the beta-lactam ring? Prior to this coaxial design, the two knobs were distinct knobs and you would need to look for them. About us. For students. What three changes must occur for a plant to flower? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Bacteria and archaea typically divide by a process known as ______, In binary fission, the doubling time of a particular microbial species is also known as its _______, Ten cells of a pathogen may give rise to over 40,000 cells in only a matter of hours as a result of _______- and more. True or false: Most tissues are susceptible to adverse effects caused by the use of antimicrobial therapy. _____ is an analog of cytosine that has antifungal properties. 1. For this section, you will identify statements that accurately describe medically important protozoa. An example of an emerging infectious disease would be: Three of the five leading causes of death from communicable diseases globally are: How does the burden of communicable diseases vary as country incomes go up: Some of the pressures leading to the development of resistant strains of bacteria include: Poor patient compliance with taking prescribed drugs, The spread of infection from animals to people, Diseases to which resistance is a significant issue include. Which of the following is an overwhelming allergic reaction to antigen that develops quickly and leads to severe respiratory and cardiac complication? Ciiilla. _____ analogs are structurally similar to the natural substrate and compete with it for the active site on the enzyme. 11 terms. When drugs block transmission of impulses to the_____ , respiratory failure can result. Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria? Which of the following was NOT a feature of smallpox? Dinoflagellates are a type of unicellular __________. 1. Marketing. Which groups of people may have greater risks to antimicrobials? 50 terms. ; Either eggs or larval stages of helminths may be infectious, depending on the species. The use of a drug to prevent imminent infection of a person at risk is called which of the following? Candida albicans, a species of pathogenic yeast, is often recognized by its ___________, which are large, thick-walled asexual spores within a hyphal segment. When conditions become harsh, some protozoa can form a protective capsule, which is called a cyst. Show your working. Which of the following antibiotics inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis? The client has a history of arthritis and has been taking acetylsalicylic acid. Which of the following are nucleotide analogs that blocks DNA replication in some viruses, particularly the herpes simplex viruses (HHV)? In this activity, you will identify statements that accurately describe parasitic helminths. How are water molecules similar to the clowns? What is Escherichia coli and how did it get that name? What are parasitic flatworms and roundworms called? Drug resistance occurs with spontaneous ____ or gene transfer from another species. Which of the following drugs blocks the fusion of the HIV envelope with the host cell membrane? 1. The leading direct cause of maternal mortality worldwide is: Abortion of a fetus based on the sex of the child to be. The regions with the lowest nutritional status of children are: We should also expect nutritional status of young children in low-income countries to vary with: Which of the following are in the top ten risk factors for the deaths of children under five years of age? A new soil microorganism has been described. and more. ttolens23 PLUS. The helminths that parasitize humans belong to which two of the following phyla? A cost-effective approach to addressing diarrhea in low-income settings is: The disease no longer being present in a specific place. As country income rises, what would you generally expect to happen to the burden of noncommunicable diseases as a share of the total disease burden, Weight of a person in kilograms, divided by the square of the person's height in meters. Mitosis is essential for A) growth of an organisms B) repair of injured tissue C) formation of gametes D) replacement Coccidioides immitis is a pathogenic fungus that forms asexual spores called _________, which result from fragmentation of hyphae. Addressing malaria requires, among other things: People sleeping under bed-nets, indoor residual spraying, intermittent treatment of pregnant women and infants and early confirmed diagnosis and treatment, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. Resistance factors include skin, stomach acid, and antimicrobial chemicals. Antimicrobial drugs that block bacterial protein synthesis could also affect which of the following in the host cell? In this activity, you will identify whether the statements describe arthropods, helminths, fungi, algae, or protozoa. Which of the following is a normal human glycoprotein produced in response to immune stimuli and can be used therapeutically to fight viruses and cancer? In 1861, what did Louis Pasteur demonstrate? Drug resistance. the filaments of molds and fleshy fungi are referred to as _____. Which of the following statements is correct? ;Algae may be green, red, or brown. Which of the following broad-spectrum antibiotics has limited use because it can lead to aplastic anemia? You observe a bright object in the night sky and want to research what it is. ____ is an analog of thymine and was the first NRTI used to treat HIV infection. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, Elaine N. Marieb, Lori A. Smith, Susan J. Mitchell. It is important in human subject research to allow participants to: The Declaration of Helisinki says that anyone participating in human subject research must provide the following: The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights says that people are entitled to: The highest attainable standard of physical and mental well-being. Who was the first person to discover live microorganisms? and more. How do enzymes act as catalysts in a chemical reaction? Which of the following involves serially diluting an antibiotic in order to determine the susceptibility of a test bacterium to the drug? Drugs that cause damage to this organ can create changes that interfere with the body's filtration abilities. c. facts d. scientific explanations. Clarithromycin and azithromycin belong to which group of drugs? Escherichia coli is also known as E.coli. Research should focus on longer course antibiotics that are more effective at lower doses. Polymyxins work well on Gram-_____ cells and daptomycin shows selectivity for Gram-____ cells. Abortions performed by a provider with inappropriate technique and in unhygienic circumstances, 99% of annual deaths for children under the age of five take place in. In general, clinical trails of a drug on human subjects require that the "control group" for the trial receive at least: The best proven drug for the condition for which the trial is being conducted. Which of the following drugs can lead to kidney damage? Who is more susceptible biologically to the transmission of HIV through vaginal sex? Erythromycin blocks protein synthesis by which method? It prevents host cells from producing active viruses. Soil transmitted helminths. Select all of the statements below that accurately describe characteristics of algae. Which of the following is a bacterial cell wall inhibitor found in over-the-counter antibacterial ointments? The nurse is conducting preoperative teaching with a client about the use of an incentive spirometer. (Pasteurization). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the condition called athlete's foot, the fungus Trichophyton consumes the keratin protein found in hair, nails, and dead skin. Sulfisoxazole is not the preferred drug for treating which of the following diseases? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Protists include A. Yeasts and molds B. Algae and protozoa C. Helminths D. Bacteria E. Viruses, The eukaryotic cell organelle that most resembles a bacterial cell is A. Nucleus B. Golgi apparatus C. Mitochondrion D. Lysosomes E. Ribosomes, Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in extensive mechanisms for strong locomotion. News. What type of antimicrobials are sulfonamides? Which of the following cancers are not treated with interferon? Rifampin disrupts the formation of which macromolecules? The nurse should include which piece of information in discussions with the client? The Genus and the Species (aka specific epithet). The application of a high heat for a short time to sterilize and kill of the microorganisms. The leading cause of death for women of all ages worldwide is: The leading direct cause of maternal mortality worldwide is: The rates of female genital mutilation (FGM) are: The delay in transporting a pregnant woman to emergency obstetric care, Abortions performed by a provider with inappropriate technique and in unhygienic circumstances. The nurse is reviewing a prescription sheet for preoperative client that states that he client must be NPO after midnight. a) Helminths usually possess specialized organ systems, including circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems. Based on what you know of the role of ADH in kidney function, describe the symptoms of this disease: (b) How might this disorder be treated? Decompose organic waste (Without them we'd have too much waste). Module 2 Reading Content Quiz. Ancestors of bacteria were the first life on Earth. Human ingests egg; egg hatches in intestine; larva crosses intestinal wall and travels to lung; larva is swallowed and matures in intestine; adult females lay eggs; eggs exit host in stool. A country with a gross national income per capita of $1,000 is classified by the World Bank as a(n): What is the most important factor in the spread of TB from lower-income countries to higher -income countries? Which describes the spectrum of activity of the tetracyclines? 135 terms. HIV integrase inhibitors prevent viral ____ from being incorporated or integrated into an host cell's chromosome. What does the knowledge of microorganisms allow humans to do? XK511. Any RNA virus that can convert its own RNA into double-stranded DNA is called a(n) ____. The cells have nuclei, and their cell walls are composed of chitin. You observe large ( >10 micrometer) oval cells in a sputum sample from a patient. One genus of dinoflagellates is responsible for a foodborne disease called __________. *Reference pg. -Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophs. The ___ ____ of the cell wall of certain gram-negative bacteria is a natural blockade against some penicillin derivatives. The cephalosporins closely resemble which group of antibiotics in terms of structure and function? blaupunkt amp1804bt manual goldilocks and the three bears story pdf free download. The two groups of organisms differ fundamentally in the structure of their individual cells. True or false: The Etest can be used to quantify developing resistance of a particular organism to an antibiotic. Polymyxin B and E are toxic to which organ? Helminths Fungi Protozoa Algae. To best protect the health of adolescents, it is especially important to: Preserve the gains made in the past few decades in child health. A resistance factor is a _____ that confers drug resistance and is often shared among bacteria by conjugation. Compare how these animals' adaptations are suited to their biomes. Which of the following is not a side effect associated with antimicrobial drugs? From each biome, select a plant and an animal that are dominant. The _____ are similar in structure to penicillins and interfere with cell wall synthesis. is a route of drug administration that involves piercing the skin or mucous membranes. Bacillus thuringiensis. They are used to protect crops from insects and from freezing, Microbes normally present in and on the human body (associated with skin, hair, body in and out), True or False: Normal microbiota prevent growth on pathogens. 1,999 terms. Addressing food insecurity issues is likely to require: Action by a number of ministries and agencies, working in coordinated ways. protein synthesis in helminths. An antibiotic that is effective against a wide variety of microbial types is called a(n) ____ spectrum antibiotic. One approach to deal with microbes known to be drug resistant is to do which of the following? 99% of annual deaths for children under the age of five takes place in: A cost-effective approach to addressing diarrhea in low-income settings is: A parasitic or infectious cause that is a leading cause of death for children under the age of five in Sub-Saharan Africa but not very important in other regions is: As country income goes up, generally the percentage of deaths for children under the age of five represented by neonatal deaths: The extent to which vaccines can protect even unvaccinated people. As a group, protozoa exhibit both asexual and sexual reproduction. Following drugs develops when microbes deviate from the object 's position their cuticles on longer course that! 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