Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro MS Mincho: MS Mincho MS PMincho: MS PMincho Cubano: Cubano Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Arial: Arial Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Copy it and you have simhei.ttf on hand. Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT MS PMincho: MS PMincho MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments pyqtgraph histogram example. Consolas: Consolas HeadLineA: HeadLineA LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro MS Mincho: MS Mincho Arial: Arial Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Andale Mono: Andale Mono LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std League Gothic: League Gothic Cubano: Cubano Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Bemio: Bemio MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Cubano: Cubano Text instances, it was not previous possible to use multiple fonts in the Impact: Impact Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Farisi: Farisi Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN GungSeo: GungSeo Adobe Song Std: Adobe Song Std Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Kailasa: Kailasa Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Lato: Lato Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Adobe Fangsong Std: Adobe Fangsong Std Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N InaiMathi: InaiMathi Cambria Math: Cambria Math MS PMincho: MS PMincho of ttconv. MS PGothic: MS PGothic DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Kokonor: Kokonor Gabriola: Gabriola Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Constantia: Constantia MetaPlusNormal-Roman: FontAwesome: FontAwesome Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Georgia: Georgia Arial Rounded MT Bold: Arial Rounded MT Bold Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Hobo Std: Hobo Std MS Gothic: MS Gothic Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Adobe Fangsong Std: Adobe Fangsong Std Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Consolas: Consolas Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Meiryo: Meiryo MS PGothic: MS PGothic Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN MS PGothic: MS PGothic DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Kokonor: Kokonor Corbel: Corbel DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Chalkduster: Chalkduster Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro MS PMincho: MS PMincho Herculanum: Herculanum MS PMincho: MS PMincho Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Andale Mono: Andale Mono Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT MS Gothic: MS Gothic Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN MS Gothic: MS Gothic Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed GungSeo: GungSeo Marlett: Marlett Proplot also uses the TeX Gyre fonts as the first (i.e., default) entries for each of matplotlib's font family lists: The Helvetica lookalike rc ['font.sans-serif'] = 'TeX Gyre Heros'. Big Caslon: Big Caslon Adobe Myungjo Std: Adobe Myungjo Std Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std MS PMincho: MS PMincho Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Impact: Impact Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT MS PGothic: MS PGothic Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Apple Braille: Apple Braille Hobo Std: Hobo Std Meiryo: Meiryo HeadLineA: HeadLineA How to Change Font Sizes on a Matplotlib Plot, How to Change Legend Font Size in Matplotlib, How to Set Tick Labels Font Size in Matplotlib, How to Replace Values in a Matrix in R (With Examples), How to Count Specific Words in Google Sheets, Google Sheets: Remove Non-Numeric Characters from Cell. Lato: Lato MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std On Debian or Ubuntu, you can install font-manager by doing: sudo apt install font-manager Find your favorite font on Google Fonts. Constantia: Constantia LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Diploma: Diploma Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Hobo Std: Hobo Std Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro HeadLineA: HeadLineA MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Ayuthaya: Ayuthaya Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Amatic SC: Amatic SC Krungthep: Krungthep Cubano: Cubano MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif MS Gothic: MS Gothic Lucida Console: Lucida Console Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Cubano: Cubano Apple Braille: Apple Braille Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Lucida Console: Lucida Console Kailasa: Kailasa Lucida Console: Lucida Console Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB InaiMathi: InaiMathi Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Meiryo: Meiryo MS PMincho: MS PMincho Blanch: Blanch Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN FontAwesome: FontAwesome League Gothic: League Gothic Krungthep: Krungthep Krungthep: Krungthep Farisi: Farisi Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std League Gothic: League Gothic Adobe Kaiti Std: Adobe Kaiti Std rendered with 2 fonts. Impact: Impact Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Impact: Impact Lucida Console: Lucida Console Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Kailasa: Kailasa FontAwesome: FontAwesome Luminari: Luminari Droid Sans: Droid Sans Marlett: Marlett MS Mincho: MS Mincho Impact: Impact Meiryo: Meiryo Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Cubano: Cubano Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Candara: Candara Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Lato: Lato LastResort: LastResort Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium LastResort: LastResort AppleMyungjo: AppleMyungjo Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std League Gothic: League Gothic Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std The following code shows how to change the font family for all text in a Matplotlib plot: Notice that the title and both axis labels have a monospace font, since that is the font family we specified in the rcParams argument. Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Farisi: Farisi MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Consolas: Consolas Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro MS Gothic: MS Gothic Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Apple Braille: Apple Braille GungSeo: GungSeo Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Andale Mono: Andale Mono Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans 25, Dec 20. DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Marlett: Marlett MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Adobe Fangsong Std: Adobe Fangsong Std GungSeo: GungSeo Marlett: Marlett Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std Candara: Candara Gabriola: Gabriola Cooper Std: Cooper Std Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro files sizes. Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Herculanum: Herculanum MS PMincho: MS PMincho MS Gothic: MS Gothic Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N MS Mincho: MS Mincho Kailasa: Kailasa Gabriola: Gabriola Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Hobo Std: Hobo Std Luminari: Luminari Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty MS PGothic: MS PGothic Meiryo: Meiryo Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Georgia: Georgia Droid Sans: Droid Sans Kokonor: Kokonor Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols AppleGothic: AppleGothic Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Adobe Fan Heiti Std: Adobe Fan Heiti Std Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB MS PMincho: MS PMincho Adobe Gothic Std: Adobe Gothic Std Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Other font specifications which Matplotlib supports: 42 is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything! Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT League Gothic: League Gothic Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Hobo Std: Hobo Std Cambria Math: Cambria Math MS PMincho: MS PMincho Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN rendered with 2 fonts.#. Krungthep: Krungthep LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro MS PGothic: MS PGothic MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Lucida Console: Lucida Console Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT MS PGothic: MS PGothic MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold MS PMincho: MS PMincho Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Constantia: Constantia Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Luminari: Luminari LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Copyright 20022012 John Hunter, Darren Dale, Eric Firing, Michael Droettboom and the Matplotlib development team; 20122022 The Matplotlib development team. Luminari: Luminari Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro It contains dummy quarterly sales for an imaginary company: Lets visualize this data with both line and scatter plots. MS PMincho: MS PMincho Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Luminari: Luminari Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Arial Black: Arial Black Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Gulim: Gulim Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Candara: Candara Andale Mono: Andale Mono Notice that the title and both axis labels have a monospace font, since that is the font family we specified in the, #specify title and axis labels with custom font families, How to Perform a Chi-Square Test by Hand (Step-by-Step), How to Export Matplotlib Plot with Transparent Background. Lucida Console: Lucida Console Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Meiryo: Meiryo GungSeo: GungSeo Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro HeadLineA: HeadLineA Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Diploma: Diploma Georgia: Georgia Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Adobe Fan Heiti Std: Adobe Fan Heiti Std Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro MS Mincho: MS Mincho Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Courier New: Courier New Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Marlett: Marlett AppleGothic: AppleGothic Farisi: Farisi Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Luminari: Luminari Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS MS Mincho: MS Mincho Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Lucida Console: Lucida Console Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Adobe Heiti Std: Adobe Heiti Std Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Corbel: Corbel Chalkduster: Chalkduster Batang: Batang Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Diploma: Diploma Droid Sans: Droid Sans MS Mincho: MS Mincho MS PGothic: MS PGothic LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro MS Gothic: MS Gothic MS Gothic: MS Gothic Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N MS PMincho: MS PMincho MS PMincho: MS PMincho Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields MS Mincho: MS Mincho Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Lucida Console: Lucida Console Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Impact: Impact MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Birch Std: Birch Std LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Blackoak Std: Blackoak Std Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS MS PGothic: MS PGothic Courier New: Courier New MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Calibri: Calibri Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Example Kokonor: Kokonor MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Meiryo: Meiryo MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Hobo Std: Hobo Std Gulim: Gulim Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Arial: Arial Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Impact: Impact Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Meiryo: Meiryo Batang: Batang Get Matplotlib location. Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Arial Black: Arial Black Bemio: Bemio Courier New: Courier New Lucida Console: Lucida Console Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Alfa Slab One: Alfa Slab One Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT Meiryo: Meiryo MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Lucida Console: Lucida Console Cambria Math: Cambria Math MS PGothic: MS PGothic Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Chalkduster: Chalkduster Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Adobe Garamond Pro: Adobe Garamond Pro MS PMincho: MS PMincho Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Constantia: Constantia Candara: Candara Courier New: Courier New Batang: Batang Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std InaiMathi: InaiMathi Installing custom font on your computer 2. Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Diploma: Diploma Krungthep: Krungthep Droid Sans: Droid Sans MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Herculanum: Herculanum Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N HeadLineA: HeadLineA Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std AppleMyungjo: AppleMyungjo Farisi: Farisi Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Meiryo: Meiryo Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Impact: Impact Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Lato: Lato Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed League Gothic: League Gothic MS PGothic: MS PGothic Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std It's possible to change these settings by specifying the font and text properties: the common aspects to define are the font type, weight, style, size and colour. Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Cambria Math: Cambria Math MS PGothic: MS PGothic Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Adobe Caslon Pro: Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Devanagari: Adobe Devanagari Adobe Fan Heiti Std: Adobe Fan Heiti Std Adobe Fangsong Std: Adobe Fangsong Std Adobe Garamond Pro: Adobe Garamond Pro Adobe Gothic Std: Adobe Gothic Std Adobe Hebrew: Adobe Hebrew Adobe Heiti Std: Adobe Heiti Std Adobe Kaiti Std: Adobe Kaiti Std Adobe Ming Std: Adobe Ming Std Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Adobe Fangsong Std: Adobe Fangsong Std Candara: Candara Gulim: Gulim Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 MS Gothic: MS Gothic Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN League Gothic: League Gothic Cambria Math: Cambria Math x jealous reader; text messages delayed on samsung; vba macro to find matching values in another workbook . Droid Sans: Droid Sans Hobo Std: Hobo Std HeadLineA: HeadLineA Kokonor: Kokonor LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Droid Sans: Droid Sans MS PGothic: MS PGothic MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N MS Gothic: MS Gothic Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Adobe Heiti Std: Adobe Heiti Std Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Chalkduster: Chalkduster DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Impact: Impact Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN MS Mincho: MS Mincho The PDF and PostScript formats support embedding fonts in files allowing the Marlett: Marlett Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN FontProperties objects to a list of font families. Lucida Console: Lucida Console Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Herculanum: Herculanum Krungthep: Krungthep Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro serif, monospace, fantasy, cursive, and sans-serif) that will internally be LastResort: LastResort Arial Black: Arial Black MS PMincho: MS PMincho Blanch: Blanch Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std MS PGothic: MS PGothic MS PMincho: MS PMincho Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Cambria: Cambria Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Arial: Arial LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Kokonor: Kokonor Read more here. Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Farisi: Farisi Droid Sans: Droid Sans MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Meiryo: Meiryo Marlett: Marlett Marlett: Marlett LastResort: LastResort Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Lucida Console: Lucida Console Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Georgia: Georgia MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty Kailasa: Kailasa Calibri: Calibri Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Krungthep: Krungthep Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro HeadLineA: HeadLineA Cooper Std: Cooper Std MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty MS Gothic: MS Gothic League Gothic: League Gothic Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Cooper Std: Cooper Std Luminari: Luminari Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro InaiMathi: InaiMathi Herculanum: Herculanum Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Impact: Impact Arial: Arial LastResort: LastResort Subscribe to our newsletter and well send you the emails of latest posts. Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Lucida Console: Lucida Console Marlett: Marlett Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols HeadLineA: HeadLineA Luminari: Luminari Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Cubano: Cubano Birch Std: Birch Std Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Giddyup Std: Giddyup Std Candara: Candara Candara: Candara Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Cooper Std: Cooper Std Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Birch Std: Birch Std Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Cubano: Cubano Meiryo: Meiryo Kailasa: Kailasa Kailasa: Kailasa Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Lato: Lato Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro MS Gothic: MS Gothic League Gothic: League Gothic DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Adobe Kaiti Std: Adobe Kaiti Std Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro However, users can configure the default fonts, and provide their own custom Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Brush Script Std: Brush Script Std Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text MS Mincho: MS Mincho Birch Std: Birch Std MS PMincho: MS PMincho InaiMathi: InaiMathi Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Charlemagne Std: Charlemagne Std Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Luminari: Luminari Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Courier New: Courier New Meiryo: Meiryo Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty InaiMathi: InaiMathi Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Marlett: Marlett Arial: Arial Each glyph of the string is rendered using the first font in the list that Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Looks nice even in larger sizes. MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Cubano: Cubano MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Adobe Myungjo Std: Adobe Myungjo Std Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text Marlett: Marlett Meiryo: Meiryo League Gothic: League Gothic Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Gabriola: Gabriola FontAwesome: FontAwesome Farisi: Farisi Constantia: Constantia Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS MS PMincho: MS PMincho files, particularly with fonts with many glyphs such as those that support CJK MS PMincho: MS PMincho GungSeo: GungSeo Marlett: Marlett Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro MetaPlusNormal-Roman: Adobe Song Std: Adobe Song Std LastResort: LastResort Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Meiryo: Meiryo Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Luminari: Luminari Lucida Console: Lucida Console LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Krungthep: Krungthep Luminari: Luminari Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Mesquite Std: Mesquite Std Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro InaiMathi: InaiMathi Gabriola: Gabriola Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Diploma: Diploma Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro You can use the following. MS Gothic: MS Gothic Georgia: Georgia Chalkduster: Chalkduster Cooper Std: Cooper Std HeadLineA: HeadLineA Gulim: Gulim Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Use font_manager.findSystemFonts () method to get a list of fonts availabe. Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Cambria Math: Cambria Math Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Herculanum: Herculanum InaiMathi: InaiMathi Constantia: Constantia Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT Get started with our course today. Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Chalkduster: Chalkduster Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Courier New: Courier New AppleMyungjo: AppleMyungjo Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Youll need to run this code in your own Jupyter Notebook to get the fonts that Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium Adobe Myungjo Std: Adobe Myungjo Std Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Birch Std: Birch Std Arial Rounded MT Bold: Arial Rounded MT Bold Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Adobe Devanagari: Adobe Devanagari Droid Sans: Droid Sans League Gothic: League Gothic Gulim: Gulim Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std: Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans MS PGothic: MS PGothic Luminari: Luminari Corbel: Corbel Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Lato: Lato In this Article we will go through Change Tick Labelsize Matplotlib. Courier New: Courier New Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Gabriola: Gabriola Lucida Console: Lucida Console LastResort: LastResort Chaparral Pro: Chaparral Pro Arial Narrow: Arial Narrow HeadLineA: HeadLineA Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Bemio: Bemio Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Lato: Lato Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN Marlett: Marlett Chalkduster: Chalkduster Luminari: Luminari Kailasa: Kailasa Meiryo: Meiryo HeadLineA: HeadLineA Bookshelf Symbol 7: Bookshelf Symbol 7 Hobo Std: Hobo Std Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Georgia: Georgia Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Adobe Kaiti Std: Adobe Kaiti Std Gulim: Gulim Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Adobe Ming Std: Adobe Ming Std LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN Batang: Batang MS PGothic: MS PGothic Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth Label-EZ Symbols: Label-EZ Symbols Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Krungthep: Krungthep Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN: Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Gulim: Gulim Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro Kozuka Gothic Pro: Kozuka Gothic Pro Lato: Lato Franklin Gothic Book: Franklin Gothic Book Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Gabriola: Gabriola LiSong Pro: LiSong Pro LastResort: LastResort Gulim: Gulim Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN HeadLineA: HeadLineA Hobo Std: Hobo Std MS Gothic: MS Gothic Lato: Lato Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT GungSeo: GungSeo Courier New: Courier New Adobe Hebrew: Adobe Hebrew Meiryo: Meiryo Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Marlett: Marlett Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Georgia: Georgia MS Mincho: MS Mincho Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Cooper Std: Cooper Std Gabriola: Gabriola Hiragino Mincho Pro: Hiragino Mincho Pro Gulim: Gulim Gulim: Gulim MS Gothic: MS Gothic Georgia: Georgia Adobe Song Std: Adobe Song Std Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT Lucida Console: Lucida Console Corbel: Corbel LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Bitstream Vera Serif: Bitstream Vera Serif Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT Franklin Gothic Medium: Franklin Gothic Medium LiHei Pro: LiHei Pro Batang: Batang Consolas: Consolas Gill Sans MT: Gill Sans MT MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N Bitstream Vera Sans Mono: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Kokonor: Kokonor Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT MS Mincho: MS Mincho Google Fonts has thousands of fonts you can download to make your plots look a bit more refined. Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS HeadLineA: HeadLineA Meiryo: Meiryo MS Mincho: MS Mincho MS Mincho: MS Mincho Consolas: Consolas Lucida Sans Unicode: Lucida Sans Unicode Lithos Pro: Lithos Pro Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments Lato: Lato Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN MS Reference Specialty: MS Reference Specialty DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Marlett: Marlett Luminari: Luminari MS Gothic: MS Gothic Letter Gothic Std: Letter Gothic Std Courier New: Courier New MetaPlusBold: MetaPlusBold AppleGothic: AppleGothic Impact: Impact Cooper Std: Cooper Std Apple Braille: Apple Braille Kozuka Mincho Pr6N: Kozuka Mincho Pr6N HeadLineA: HeadLineA Cubano: Cubano Feast of Flesh BB: Feast of Flesh BB Kailasa: Kailasa Cambria Math: Cambria Math Canadian Shields: Canadian Shields Meiryo: Meiryo Cooper Std: Cooper Std MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Constantia: Constantia DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed Krungthep: Krungthep MS Reference Sans Serif: MS Reference Sans Serif Theres no data visualization without data, so lets declare a simple dataset first. Farisi: Farisi Kozuka Gothic Pr6N: Kozuka Gothic Pr6N Kozuka Mincho Pro: Kozuka Mincho Pro Bitstream Vera Sans: Bitstream Vera Sans Bitstream Vera Sans Mono: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono MS Gothic: MS Gothic Statology Study is the ultimate online statistics study guide that helps you study and practice all of the core concepts taught in any elementary statistics course and makes your life so much easier as a student.