The values of PGA were divided into 10 categories using the geometrical interval function: 184466gal, 466604gal, 604671gal, 671703gal, 703719gal, 719752gal, 752819gal, 819956gal, 9561238gal, and 12381817gal (Fig. AutoEncoder is an unsupervised Artificial Neural Network that attempts to encode the data by compressing it into the lower dimensions (bottleneck layer or code) and then decoding the data to reconstruct the original input. Moreover, in Iburi region, there is a high possibility of earthquakes occurring in the future. Before Stock market data space is highly dimensional and, as such, algorithms that try to exploit potential patterns or structure in the price formation can suffer from the so-called curse of dimensionality. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbac073. The site is secure. Comput Environ Urban Syst 34:216235, Raja NB, Cicek I, Turkoglu N, Aydin O, Kawasaki A (2017) Landslide susceptibility mapping of the Sera River Basin using logistic regression model. The purpose of a Network Intrusion Detection System is to detect intrusive, malicious activities or policy violations in a host or host's network. the log of the difference between the price x+1 and price x) and windows of 10 consecutive returns will be produced. All rights reserved. The proposed method is less complex than other unsupervised methods based on a variational autoencoder and it provides better classification results than other familiar classifiers. In this short article, we will explore the potential of 4 different types of autoencoders to capture the dynamic information of stock market prices in a lower and traceable dimension space. Alahi, A., Goel, K., Ramanathan, V., Robicquet, A., Fei-Fei, L., Savarese, S.: Social LSTM: human trajectory prediction in crowded spaces. This framework can easily be extended for any other dataset as long as it complies with the standard pytorch Dataset configuration. Finally, we use LSTM to decode vectors and make predictions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of an autoencoder framework based on deep neural network for prediction and susceptibility assessment of regional landslides triggered by earthquakes. First, various sampling strategies showed improved accuracy in landslide susceptibility assessment, which should be analyzed and compare with precision and recall curve in imbalanced data. First, the raw vibration data and labels are input into MSCAE, and then, MSCAE is trained by minimizing the composite loss function. Nat Hazards 65(1):135165, Fujiwara S, Nakano T, Morishita Y, Kobayashi T, Yarai H, Une H, Hayashi K (2019) Detection and interpretation of local surface deformation from the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake using ALOS-2 SAR data. Your home for data science. After a powerful typhoon (No 21, Jebi), the Iburi earthquake occurred. Anomaly Detection using AutoEncoders | A Walk-Through in Python In this guide, I will show you how to code a ConvLSTM autoencoder (seq2seq) model for frame prediction using the MovingMNIST dataset. 2g). In this paper, we propose an Autoencoder-based model for pedestrian trajectory prediction of variable length (ASTRAL). We propose an autoencoder-based method, AEFS, under spatial consistency constraints to predict DTIs. IEEE; Piscataway, NJ, USA: 2014. : Situation-aware pedestrian trajectory prediction with spatio-temporal attention model. Cookies policy. Goodfellow et al. To synthesize a realistic action sequence based on a single human image, it is crucial to model both motion patterns and diversity in the action video. Would you like email updates of new search results? Conditional Temporal Variational AutoEncoder for Action Video Prediction The bottleneck layer (or code) holds the compressed representation of the input data. In general, the results showed that the earthquake dataset, such as distance to fault, distance to epicenter, and PGA was of high importance to the models, whereas the geomorphology, including slope, plan curvature, profile curvature, stream density, and distance to stream, had lower predictive capability in both areas. The site is secure. Fadel MM, El-Ghamrawy SM, Ali-Eldin AMT, Hassan MK, El-Desoky AI. In landslide susceptibility modeling, a landslide may reoccur under conditions similar to past landslides (Westen et al. Neural Process Lett 48(2):12431260, Kimura G (1994) The latest Cretaceous-early Paleogene rapid growth of accretionary complex and exhumation of high pressure series metamorphic rocks in Northwestern Pacific margin. [ Oxford] The realm of engineering and computer science are not unknown to anomalous events. autoencoder non image data Most existing methods focus on homogeneous settings and consider only low-order pairwise relations while ignoring either the heterogeneity or high-order complex relations . 2018; Yang et al. Geoenviron Disaster 6:118, Saito H, Nakayama D, Matsuyama H (2009) Comparison of landslide susceptibility based on a decision-tree model and actual landslide occurrence: the Akaishi Mountains, Japan. 2j). If the objective was solely to compress the data, it would be interesting to try other classic dimensionality reduction algorithms such as PCA, which may well prove better at this specific task. Int J Neural Syst 8(2):209218, Article 59986008 (2017), Xiong, W., Wu, L., Alleva, F., Droppo, J., Huang, X., Stolcke, A.: The microsoft 2017 conversational speech recognition system. Sohn K., Yan X., Lee H. Learning structured output representation using deep conditional generative models. The landslide inventory map was generated using aerial photographs of the study area, which were taken after the landslides., School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, Yupeng Diao,Yiteng Su,Ximu Zeng,Xu Chen,Shuncheng Liu&Han Su, Yangtze Delta Region Institute (Quzhou), University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, You can also search for this author in In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. Careers., Raksincharoensak, P., Hasegawa, T., Nagai, M.: Motion planning and control of autonomous driving intelligence system based on risk potential optimization framework. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Appl. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Trajectory prediction of the ego vehicle is essential for advanced driver assistance systems to function properly. 5d), the PM 5 model (Fig. As shown in Listing 1.3 below, we have created an AutoencoderBuilder class that provides a function build_ae (). In the present study, to select the boundaries of the study area, an ellipse corresponding to standard deviations was generated by the directional distribution tool to indicate the general trend of the features. 12681, pp. Time series prediction method based on Convolutional Autoencoder and LSTM Abstract: Many time series data are characterized by strong randomness and high noise.The traditional predictive model is difficult to extract the characteristics of the data, and the prediction effect is not very good. It is . One common standardization mistake is: we normalize the entire data and then split into train-test. Various landslide susceptibility methods have evaluated regional landslide areas for spatial prediction and susceptibility assessment by applying different techniques, such as logistic regression (Lee 2005; Ayalew and Yamagishi 2005; Bai et al. Phys. Deep Multimodal Fusion Autoencoder for Saliency Prediction of RGB-D 2016). MSCAE consists of three convolutional autoencoders with different convolutional kernel sizes in parallel, which can fully exploit the global and local information of the vibration signals. A multi-omics supervised autoencoder for pan-cancer clinical outcome Bioinformatics. As shown in Fig. The landslide susceptibility maps were produced differently depending on the sampling size used and the area selected. 5b) and M 2 (Fig. 2022 May 13;23(3):bbac059. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pp. Rolling Bearing Health Indicator Extraction and RUL Prediction - MDPI However, the advantage of using autoencoders is that some of its components, such as the encoder, can be separately trained on several independent stock market returns and then re-used in other end-to-end neural-networks while still keeping the potential to be globally optimized by back-propagation. Accessibility Kounghoon Nam. 7b), which were the best models selected regarding accuracy and the area under the curve in precision and recall, TPR and TNR, and TPR and FPR. Cite this article. An autoencoder is a type of neural network in which the input and the output data are the same. 2015). 2015; Hong et al. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Polit Anal 9:137163, LeCun Y, Bengio Y, Hinton G (2015) Deep learning. However, most of the previous studies failed to judiciously take into account the consistency between the chemical properties of drug and its functions. The model used is super simple but the comparison between the input and the output reveal the ability of the network to abstract few important features such as peaks and lows. They are an unsupervised learning method, although technically, they are trained using supervised learning methods, referred to as self-supervised. The total thickness of the pyroclastic tephra deposits is about 45m in and around the epicentral area. Google Scholar, Sutskever, I., Vinyals, O., Le, Q.V. Case studies further confirm its ability to mine the latent drug-target interactions. autoencoder validation loss warta insurance poland (2019), the directional distribution tool (Standard Deviational Ellipse) in ArcGIS 10.6 indicates ellipses containing certain percentages of the features through standard deviations in the landslide areas. Some of the next ideas Id like to try next are: As usual, heres the Jupyter notebook to reproduce my work: This project is part of our research at, a cryptocurrency data API that aims to provide plug-and-play datasets to train machine learning algorithms. Catena 171:222233. In: Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. Geomorphology 249:119136, Althuwaynee OF, Pradhan B, Lee S (2016) A novel integrated model for assessing landslide susceptibility mapping using CHAID and AHP pair-wise comparison. Details on the loss function elements for the ID-CVAE model. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Hundreds of aftershocks followed the major shocks. 712 December 2015; Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press; 2015. pp. Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Prediction and Feature - PubMed Analysis of Autoencoders for Network Intrusion Detection. 2020 Mar 19;20(6):1706. doi: 10.3390/s20061706. At first, we use the autoencoder to process pedestrian data with variable-length trajectories. Geomorphology 145146:7080, Yalcin A (2008) GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping using analytical hierarchy process and bivariate statistics in Ardesen (Turkey): comparisons of results and confirmations. The plan curvature values were derived from the DEM and classified according to the natural break method into five groups: (17.246)(3.024), (3.024)(0.806), (0.806)(0.368), 0.3681.803, and 1.80316.025 (Fig. The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results. Remote Sens Environ 231:117, Mabu S, Fujita K, Kuremoto T (2019) Disaster area detection from synthetic aperture radar images using convolutional autoencoder and one-class SVM. Forty percent of the landslide and non-landslide points were used as training samples for unsupervised learning. Subsequently, landslide susceptibility maps were produced using a deep neural network by supervised learning. Neural computation 9(8), 17351780 (1997), Leal-Taix, L., Fenzi, M., Kuznetsova, A., Rosenhahn, B., Savarese, S.: Learning an image-based motion context for multiple people tracking. Despite the few more parameters we seem to reach a similar accuracy when looking at the train/test loss. 2021 Mar 23;7:e414. Nam, K., Wang, F. The performance of using an autoencoder for prediction and susceptibility assessment of landslides: A case study on landslides triggered by the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake in Japan. LNCS, vol. Furthermore, in the PM 1 model, the lithology of the geology dataset as categorical variables indicated the highest importance in the models. FW provided guidance for the spatial relationship between non-landslides and landslides triggered by earthquakes, where landslides intensively occurred, or not, between the epicenter and the highest peak ground acceleration recorded station.